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Charlie McLean LLC

Projects - PDF's & Overlays

Overlay's From Postscript

AFPDS print overlays can be added to iSeries print files. The results can appear as if the image were part of a pre-printed form and thus save a lot of money. The transition from artwork to an image that fits the report can be a challenge. PostScript is a page description language known for extreme accuracy and is well suited for generating the most demanding overlay. The above image and the samples referenced below are all from PostScript.

Email Customer PDF Invoice

Seems like a simple thing, but this project requires a lot of pieces. Invoices with a graphic overlay are printed with a JDE DreamWriter, turned into a PDF. Later, a job sends a single email to a customer with all the invoices.

Terms & Conditions Overlay

Overlays can print on the back with a duplex printer allowing customs terms by country.